Bigots, Transphobes, And Beer- Oh, My!!
White Conservative Christian heterosexual patriots have seriously overinflated their importance
The grumpier you are, the more assholes you meet.
Unhappiness is everywhere; just beyond the door; or stupidity, which is worse.
Virginia Woolf, A Writer's Diary
For the past three weeks, the Far-Right have celebrated GrievanceFest 2023 by getting their panties in a wad over a transgender girl in a Bud Light ad campaign.
Yes, that’s every bit as petty, sad, and pointless as it sounds. But, then again, these fine White Conservative Christian heterosexual patriots never seem to get upset over things that actually matter. You never hear them speaking out over social injustice, systemic racism, or racial injustice…hmm, maybe ‘cuz they benefit from those things?