Brandon Prichard- As if North Dakota could sink any lower
Hyper-religiosity, self-superiority, arrogance, and astonishing bigotry...all in one ignorant, self-important, wrong-kind-of-Brandon package
You cannot argue stupidity, you just have to accept it patiently as one of those things.
Nevil Shute, Round the Bend
I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be mistaken.
Oliver Cromwell
Oh, FFS…now Cromwell has me thinking about the bowels of Christ. Could there be a more disturbing mental image??
Having grown up next door to North Dakota in northern Minnesota, I’m not unfamiliar with hyper-religious, holier-than-thou asshats like Brandon Prichard…or, as the kids call him, B.Prick.
Well, OK, I made that last part up…but I think you’ll see that it fits State Rep. Prichard like a freakin’ glove.
I mean, come on, y’all. Most of you probably think I make up most of what I write about, but I assure you that B.Prick is the real deal. Yes, the man’s all asshole all the time. And I can only hope he’s single because no one this self-righteous and holier-than-thou should be able to inflict themselves on a spouse.
These are actual tweets that B.Prick saw fit to set loose on America:
Don’t get me wrong; I have nothing against someone who holds strong, honest religious views that have a basis in Scripture instead of something out of The Handmaid’s Tale. There’s nothing honest, Biblical, or exceptionally compassionate about B.Prick’s Christianity, which is straight out of the American Taliban handbook- proselytize the heathens and then kill those not intelligent enough to convert.
Besides, his fitness “test” is…odd. It’s pretty weak on the fitness part and rather silly about the “submit to the Gospel of Jesus Christ” part- as if they have any connection.
Then again, if you’re an intolerant Christian Nationalist who believes that your faith gives you the right to dominate those not “enlightened” enough to believe in your Imaginary Friend in the Sky, it probably makes perfect sense.
Well, Brandon, the Jewish ones and the Muslim ones and the non-religious ones and the Christians who aren’t fucking white supremacist lunatics probably would tell you to eat rocks. But maybe MTG could put together a CrossFit Caucus.
It gets worse. He’s been “demonstrating every single weird white fascist Christian insecurity and delusion that exists.” Yeah, B.Prick has some serious White Conservative Christian cisgender heterosexual issues, don’tchaknow?
Quelle surprise….
How is it that B.Prick isn’t doing the Thorazine Shuffle in a state asylum?
He really wants to ban porn. He says it “destroys men.” He says, “Conservative states should start banning OnlyFans, for everyone.” He’s been yapping today about how states need to “combat pornography addictions,” as if that is not in large part a problem specifically related to and created by conservative Christianity. He wants “Cheap state services to block inappropriate content on personal devices.” Nothing like begging the nanny state to protect fundamentalist Christians from themselves.
Hmm…perhaps he doesn’t realize that fundamentalist Christians are among the biggest consumers of pornography? And he knows it “destroys men” through personal experience, I suppose? Or perhaps he’s smart enough to lubricate properly?
If B.Prick knew anything about the “problem,” he’d see that he’s firing an arrow straight at the heart of Conservative Christianity. What are Conservative men supposed to do with their repressed sexuality? Talk to their bartender?
Surprise, he’s an anti-LGBTQ+ bigot. He says, “All schools should have LGBTQ history taught and lesson one should be Sodom and Gomorrah.” Dumb motherfucker must have never read in the Bible where it explains what the sin of Sodom was (spoiler, not homosexuality).
For someone so thoroughly Christian, B.Prick seems to be curiously underedumicated on the topics upon which he insists on expounding. Perhaps if he learned more and shot off his mouth less, he’d sound less like a no-hold-barred moron?
Ah, but where’s the fun in that??
He says, “Any Republican that thinks a child should attend a drag show should be censured or expelled from the party.” Dumb motherfucker must not be aware that kids are far more likely to be abused/molested/groomed by Christian conservative youth group leaders and pastors than they are by drag queens or any other LGBTQ+ people.
Here’s something B.Prick may not be aware of or that he’s chosen to ignore:
The overwhelming majority of cases of children being sexually abused/molested/groomed don’t involve drag queens, but rather White Conservative Christian cisgender heterosexual males. But that’s an inconvenient truth that doesn’t fit his narrative, so he chooses to project his prejudice upon a demographic that poses no threat to anyone.
Drag queens aren’t the problem, y’all. They’re the victims of “Christians” who’ve chosen to project their sins onto drag queens because it’s easier than facing the truth.
Oh, and LGBTQ people are rarely involved in sexual abuse, molestation, and/or grooming. It’s another inconvenient truth B.Prick chooses to ignore because it doesn’t fit his hateful hyper-religious narrative. Of course, willful ignorance of the truth doesn’t make it less true. B.Prick might be able to comprehend that…if he wasn’t a poster child for the Dunning-Kruger Effect.
Yeah, B.Prick’s a real “Christian” piece of work:
In 2023, North Dakota saw nearly 20 bills impacting the LGBTQ+ population, making it more difficult to effectively track our lawmakers. However, analysis shows that the majority of these bills came from two districts, five lawmakers and two lobbyists.
Rep. Brandon Prichard introduced bills banning trans medical care (HB1301: failed), allowing conversion therapy (HB1332: failed) and restricting drag shows (HB1333 passed).
Rep. SuAnn Olson introduced bills banning trans bathroom inclusion (HB1473: passed), restricting definitions of sex (HB 1474: passed), and a resolution to protect cisgender women (HCR 3010: passed). Both representatives are from District 8 and are serving their first term in office.
Of course, as an atheist, my criticism of a Christian probably runs the risk of not being taken seriously. That said, I do remember enough of my Sunday School lessons to recognize that B.Prick is a Christian like I’m the Second Coming of Marilyn Monroe.
The man couldn’t lead a Christ-like life if you handed him a Bible, a Pope, and the Prince of Peace himself. He excels at judging others and finding them wanting while making no attempt to live the teachings of the Jesus Christ he professes to revere.
Each line of his tweet is wrong on so many levels.
B.Prick completely ignores the Constitutional separation of Church and State. He also arrogantly dismisses those Americans who aren’t Christian and those who foreswear belief in a deity.
There should be no official connection between Christianity and the GOP. If politicians from either party choose to be Christians, that’s a personal matter, not a matter of state. American governance is secular, and God isn’t a Republican.
We need a government of competent, committed, compassionate politicians, not hyper-religious zealots.
Christian Nationalism is neither; the American Taliban is to Christianity what the Taliban is to Islam. Both have bastardized their faith to serve their evil, self-serving agenda.
I’m extremely disappointed with B.Prick over his belief that his feelings about homosexuality are the most critical aspects of this conversation and that everyone else should bow to his ignorance, arrogance, and bigotry.
He’s super fucking upset that North Dakota State University recently voted on its homecoming royalty and picked two kings and no queen. But the little weenus isn’t upset because the homecoming court actually is gay — this happened because of the rules of how NDSU votes on its royalty — but because it looks gay. And he’s gonna make a law against it!
Whether North Dakota State University has two Homecoming Kings and NO queens is not his concern. Of course, he’s free to voice his opinion, but we all know what opinions are like…and yes, B.Prick has no problem demonstrating that he’s a raging asshole and homophobe.
Very Christ-like of him, no?
So, having solved all other pressing problems facing the Peace Garden State, B.Prick has promised to introduce a bill prohibiting state-funded schools from choosing homecoming royalty of the same gender.
How’s that Party of Small Government working out for you, eh?? And yes, you DID start this fight, you arrogant homophobe.
I can only hope karma will one day catch up with B.Prick and that we will all bathe in the warm springs of schadenfreude as his karmic debts are called in.
Either that or it will turn out he’s been a closeted homosexual the whole time…and a little self-loathing goes a long way….
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