Greetings From Our Woke, Drug-Addicted, Sex-Addled, God-Rejecting, Democrat Apocalypse
And it's all Joe Biden's fault, don'tchaknow??
The GOP responded predictably to President Joe Biden’s announcement that he’s running for re-election. No, they didn’t address the President’s policies and present Republican alternatives (are you kidding?). Nor did they calmly discuss how their candidates would address the pressing issues America faces today.
Yeah, they went straight to fear-mongering and worst-case scenarios at warp speed. Never mind that the same things could happen if a Republican were elected President. And there’s no guarantee that a Republican President would handle them more effectively than President Biden or any other Democrat. But they’re planting the seed that Republicans are decisive and strong leaders and Democrats like President Biden are spineless, indecisive wienies.
Damned Libs….
Of course, only so much information can be conveyed in a 30-second fully AI-generated ad, and fear and loathing are much easier to create and project than policy proposals/alternatives. And it’s not like Republicans HAVE any policy proposals/alternatives to offer America. When was the last time you heard a Republican politician present a rational, well-thought, backed-with-sound-data proposal?
Go ahead; I’ll wait….
Sure, there are the usual tax cuts for corporations and the 1% and work requirements they’ll impose on those who receive public assistance, but nothing grabs votes like fear. Fear of The Other. Fear of economic collapse. Fear of unrest. Fear of the unknown. Fear of the Green Bay Packers.
And few parties can sow fear of the unknown and unknowable like the GOP, especially when they weave that fear of the unknown and unknowable with their particular brand of Christian nationalism. It’s just the sort of thing to warm the hearts of White Conservative Christian heterosexual patriots.
Because, as any REAL American knows, the answer to the question, “Is America a Christian nation?” is, “Of course, it is, you silly wabbit!!”
And Republican Jesus smiles up those who endeavor to restore God to the public square AND our public schools.
Yeah, I know; WHAT separation of Church and State??
After all, we’re talking about the GOP, a political party known for wanting it both ways. It may be OK when a Republican says or does something, but when a Democrat says or does the same thing, the next thing you know, they’re being pilloried for hypocrisy. Or worse.
Remember, being a Republican means never saying you’re sorry about anything. Ever.
Sure, you may think it’s not very good. And on some level, it probably isn’t. Still, Democrats bear some responsibility for allowing Republicans to define the battle to their advantage. While they’ve insisted on doing things the “right” way, they’ve stood by impotently while Republicans played their own brand of politics. As a result, the GOP’s wallowed in the mud when necessary and did what they needed to dominate the prevailing narrative. Winning that battle means that Republicans always have an advantage in the public's minds when it comes to language.
Of course, not all Republicans have the advantage. The Former Guy will probably win the GOP nomination in 2024 while inundated by legal problems. By the time the campaign begins, there’s a chance (albeit slim) that he might be wearing an orange prison jumpsuit.
And then there’s Floriduh Gov. Ron DeSatan…er, DeSantis- whom John Oliver calls “Business Fred Flintstone”- who’s furiously trying to project himself as a winner. The truth is that DeSantis will never be President. You can take that to the bank. Between his whiny, entitled voice, his fascist tendencies, and his “it’s my turn” aura, he’s displayed no leadership qualities one would expect of a Presidential candidate.
Well, except for turning Floriduh into a petty dictatorship, that is.
As Oliver has said of DeSantis, the New York Post may have proclaimed him as “DeFuture,” but that’s just plain “DePressing.”
Former Republican candidate for Arizona Governor Kari Lake has said that Ron DeSantis has “Big Dick Energy.” As distasteful as that may be to contemplate, many Republicans have put a lot of energy and political capital into portraying DeSantis as a sort of political übermensch. That may be because DeSantis doesn’t waste time with things like negotiating or listening. No, he’s more the deciding and decreeing type who leaves negotiating and listening for losers and Liberals.
And describing DeSantis as “Donald Trump with a brain” is hardly the high praise those bestowing it upon him may think it to be. DeSantis hasn’t exactly proven himself to be overly intellectually agile. Though he comes equipped with a decent Ivy League pedigree, you’d be hard-pressed to hear it in his speeches or the arguments he makes.
There’s a difference between “schooling” and “education.” Gov. DeSantis may be well-schooled, but he’s not well-edumicated.
Of course, as the leader in Floriduh’s “War on Woke,” DeSantis is ensuring that Floriduh’s White children aren’t being taught to be ashamed of their Whiteness. Or their heterosexuality.
Before long, though, no matter who the GOP candidate is next year, Republicans will be back to tell us how much they care about things they don’t give a damn about.
We’ll hear about the deficit, which they only care about during Democratic administrations and happily allow to run amok while they’re in power. They’ll cry crocodile tears about immigrants overrunning our borders, raping our wives and daughters, and bringing drugs to our schools and streets. And we’ll hear about the crime wave also brought to us by illegal aliens.
Listen to Republicans long enough, and you’ll believe that America is a crime-riddled, drug-infested, alcohol-dependent, porn-addicted, God-rejecting, nuclear-family-hating, premarital-sex-craving hellhole.
And they wouldn’t be far wrong.
Of course, if you listen to supporters of The Former Guy long enough, you’ll be begging for someone to put you out of your misery. These folks are Grade A, top-shelf, world-class morons.
But at least they’re entertaining.
Of course, between now and November of next year, we’ll hear and see many ads depicting America as a morally bankrupt hellhole that only the GOP can fix. And we should remember that every time a Republican has been in the White House since Eisenhower, it’s been a shit show.
Despite what the GOP would have us believe, deficits climb during Republican administrations and fall during Democratic ones. The simple truth is that Republicans can’t govern. They’re not even very good at being the Loyal Opposition. Instead, they excel at bitching and moaning about things that don’t matter. They think they’re good at uncovering “scandals,” but they only create distractions about nothing of substance.
So when you see ads about darkness, fear, and an apocalyptic America, remember that the party selling that to you has no fundamental ideas or policies that might offer any hope or way out. All they have is fear, and they want to keep you scared and stupid for as long as possible (so go ahead, keep watching Fox News).
Or you can start paying attention and find out what’s really going on and who has the country’s best interests at heart. New flash: It’s not the party selling fear and stupidity in large volume.
Of course, the party selling that fear and stupidity in large volume sells it to stupid people, so it’s not like they have to work hard to reach their target audience.
Welcome to our new idiocracy, y’all….