Ignorant, arrogant, And Joe Rogan Is No Way To Go Through Life, Son
So a few people die because they listen to misinformation. Big deal....
Here’s what I know about Joe Rogan: He was the host of Fear Factor or something back in the 2000s, he is involved with UFC shit, and he has a podcast that a lot of dudes like. As someone who rarely watched Fear Factor, doesn’t give a shit about UFC, and gives even less of a shit about podcasts, this man is of little consequence in my life, and I wish it could have stayed that way. But without fail, every other week, Rogan becomes a trending topic for some (deeply stupid) reason, and as someone whose job it is to consume news, I am forced to have some modicum of awareness of what Joe Rogan is up to. My conclusion is this: He’s not a very smart man.
There’s plenty of historical evidence for that, but Rogan really upped the ante in a recent episode of his podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience, in which he claimed that straight white men are silenced by so-called “woke culture.”
Let me begin by saying that I don’t give a damn about Joe Rogan, nor do I care anything he says or does. I resent that his every utterance, thought, and action seems to be taken as representative of White males, a group to which I happen to belong. I’m here to tell you that Joe Rogan speaks for me in no shape, manner, OR form.
What I find myself wondering is how someone of such limited intellect and abilities got to be one of the top-grossing podcasters in the world? Why do White males hang on his every utterance as if they were some pronouncement from On High?
It’s not exactly breaking news that Rogan isn’t exactly a great intellect. He admits as much himself. When trying to explain his convoluted feelings about the COVID-19 vaccines (If you’re young and healthy, you don’t need them), his reach is sufficiently large that Dr. Anthony Fauci felt moved to refute him. Rogan’s response didn’t exactly leave the impression that he understood why people were upset.
Rogan continued on to say, “I am not a doctor. I am a fucking moron. I am a cage-fighting commentator... I am not a respected source of information even for me. But I at least try to be honest about what I am saying.”
I won’t even try to dissect what the fuck it means for Rogan to know he is “not a respected source of information” but also claim that he tries “to be honest,” because I refuse to be sucked into the pure and utter bullshit that is searching for reason in that man’s words. But hey, at least he knows he’s a fool!
Yeah, he knows he’s a fool, but who cares? His podcast is #1 on Spotify, and he’s laughing all the way to the bank. So a few people might die because they listened to his misinformation and took it seriously; they were probably going to die anyway, right?
Of course, I’d love to think that most male humanoids come equipped with a functional bullshit detector capable of filtering out idiotic pronouncements from mental midgets like Rogan. Then again, the longer my sojourn on this rock lasts, the more I learn how few of those bullshit detectors work as intended. Most guys aren’t even aware that they may once have had one. They take in bullshit, process it as truth, and accept it as fact. Before you know it, you have Joe Rogan’s podcast at #1 on Spotify, which makes me think there are a lot of guys out there who need to check their knuckles for scabs. Methinks they may have been dragging them for too long.
I used to have faith in humanity. I used to believe that critical thinking was a valued commodity, that people welcomed the opportunity to evaluate concepts and draw an informed conclusion. Then I realized that too many men (and a lot of women) haven’t had an original thought since their junior prom.
Joe Rogan might be, in his own words, a “fucking moron,” but what does that make those who’ve made his podcast #1 on Spotify?
Yeah, it doesn’t speak well for the intellectual agility of White males, does it? On the other hand, a little natural selection might go a long way.
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Joe Rogan is smart than a pathetic mental midget like you.