Lauren Boebert And Christian Hypocrisy Go Together Like Bacon And Eggs
It's what Jesus would do, don'tchaknow?
It is an honor to serve in this time. I believe that many of us in this room believe that we are in the last of the last days and that’s not a time to complain, that’s not a time to grumble, to be dismayed, to be disheartened, but a time to rejoice[.] You get to be a part of ushering in the second coming of Jesus[.]
I believe Rep. Boebert to be many things, none of them complimentary. We’ve been down that road on many occasions, so I see no reason to repeat myself. My opinion of Miss Congeniality is no secret, so how ‘bout we pick things up with the latest episode of ignorant, hyper-religious silliness, ‘kay??
Speaking of not exactly being a secret, Boebert’s penchant for End Times, churn-’em-and-burn-’em Christianity is well known. Likewise, she’s well known for preaching and tying her service in Congress to God’s will- whatever she thinks will gain her the most power and influence at that point in time.
The only word I can think of that adequately describes Boebert is pharisaical. She’s as much about Christ’s teachings concerning love, tolerance, acceptance, and inclusion as I am about buying Green Bay Packers season tickets. In addition, I’m not certain Boebert understands that her Bible comes with a NEW Testament.
I certainly don’t begrudge Boebert’s right to her religious beliefs. Still, she needs to be willing to understand, accept, and honor the truth that America was founded upon the separation of Church and State. This is not a mere inconvenience; the Founding Fathers had the execrable example of the distressingly corrupt and venal Church of England that they were determined to avoid.
Of course, if Boebert is convinced that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is nigh, why is she running for re-election? Why would that matter if she’s going to be raptured, anyway?
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Boebert is free to handle snakes, speak in tongues, or worship in whatever way she chooses- in her free time. But as a member of Congress, she’s taken an oath to protect America from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. Unfortunately, it’s an oath I’m afraid she forgot about as soon as she took office because she’s become one of those domestic enemies she swore to protect America from.
America isn’t a Christian nation, as she and others will claim. It’s a majority-Christian nation with secular governance. If Rep Bobert has an issue with that, I’d refer her to the Establishment Clause of the 1st Amendment, the Treaty of Tripoli, and Jefferson’s letter to the Danbury Baptists. Those things confirm that the Christian religion does NOT govern America.
And yet Rep. Boebert behaves not only as if she does care because of the Second Coming but also that she doesn’t care about the separation of Church and State.
Boebert’s remarks of the Christian belief that Jesus will return again after his ascension to heaven 2,000 years ago has triggered a slew of reactions online….
One user wrote, “If the end of times are coming why is she bothering with an election?”
“I say this in all sincerity as a Knox county constituent and as an actual Christian … what in the HELL was that all about???” another user tweeted.
Wednesday’s address by Boebert was not the first time the Republican congresswoman made striking remarks about Christianity.
Earlier this year, Boebert hinted that Jesus may have prevented his crucifixion if he had owned AR-15 rifles.
“How many AR-15s do you think Jesus would have had?” Boebert asked a crowd at a Christian event in Colorado. “Well, he didn’t have enough to keep his government from killing him.”
“How many AR-15s do you think Jesus would have had?” Well, none, since long guns, much less semi-automatic long guns, didn’t exist during Christ’s alleged lifetime.
“Well, he didn’t have enough to keep his government from killing him.” Well, you don’t say. Since most weapons were hand-made and gunpowder was not available then, AR-15s were an option for Jesus. Or anyone else, for that matter.
If one were to question Boebert’s mental acuity or native intelligence, they certainly wouldn’t be out of order. After all, this is someone who didn’t have so much as a GED until just before she took her Congressional oath of office. In her case, her lack of educational credentials IS a solid indication of her lack of intellect. Not only does she not know much of anything about much of anything, but she’s also the 2022-23 poster child for the Dunning-Kruger Effect.
One can only hope there isn’t a minimum-IQ requirement for admittance to Heaven. Otherwise, she’ll end up with the reserved parking space in Hell that’s undoubtedly waiting for her.
It’s what happens to hypocrites, liars, and thugs. Rep. Lauren Boebert is as much a Christian as I am a Premier League goalkeeper. She and people like her are the reason I’m an atheist.
Not that I wouldn’t mind seeing karma have its way with her, just enough so I could revel in a wee bit o’ schadenfreude.
Yeah, I’m vindictive that way.
Her similarities to Rocky Horror's Frank N Furter go beyond the rabid smiles: she will kill anything in her way, and sticks to a self-promoting program that destroys everyone around her.
Indeed. Remind me again how she’s a Christian???