"Mother Teresa couldn't beat these charges"
Yeah, but Mother Teresa didn't pay off a porn star she'd had an affair with, did she?
Fox News constantly lies to its audience. this we know. lying is their life’s work. it’s baked into their business model. even their earliest slogan — fair and balanced — was a huge fucking lie.
as a result, Fox News viewers are the most ignorant halfwits on the planet. a study done some years ago famously found that Fox News viewers are less-informed about current events than people who don’t consume any news at all.
Fox has to lie to their audience. if they told the truth, they’d lose viewers. in fact, this actually happened after Fox was first to call Arizona for Biden in the 2020 election — their angry dipshit audience abandoned them and went running to the warm comfort of the even bigger liars at Newsmax.
which is why it’s totally unsurprising that yesterday, after the jury received their instructions in the Big Trump Campaign Fraud Fuckery Trial, Fox reporters lied their lying faces off about what Judge Merchan told the jurors — to make it seem as if the whole thing was being deliberately rigged against Dear Leader.
I’ve been paying attention to the Trump trial in Manhattan only in the sense that it’s been on in the background when I’m writing. I don’t work well in silence, and it’s hard to write with headphones on, so I have the TV or music on at a low volume when working. I may or may not be paying attention, but I probably absorb things via osmosis.
Unless I can find a soccer game, my TV is on MSNBC, which means it’s been wall-to-wall coverage of the Trump trial. You’d think they could find something other than the trial to discuss, but I’ve learned a few things, so there’s that. Mostly, I’ve learned that I’m sick to death of the Duke of Shitferbrainz.
At this point, though, I’m ready for a sentence. Lock him up, already.
Of course, the Wingnut Industrial Outrage Complex © is being fueled by Fox News reporters and talking heads who were outright lying about Judge Merchan’s instructions to the jury. Yes, his instructions were necessarily complicated and, in some cases, arcane.
And the across-the-board guilty verdicts? While the karma was delicious, his supporters melted straight the fuck down. It was pathetic to watch grown men (it was almost uniformly men) acting like spoiled children.
But when you have 34 counts, things won’t necessarily be straightforward. This confusion makes it even easier for Fox News’ professional liars to manipulate and mislead their viewers, almost all of whom are card-carrying charter members of the Wingnut Industrial Outrage Complex ©.
here’s the important part: jurors don’t have to be in agreement about how the law was broken — they just have to agree that the law was broken.
if you’re still following along with what I’m saying, then you’re smarter than Fox News reporter John Roberts — because here’s the lie he told to his audience:
Of course, this is nowhere near what Judge Merchan told the judge, but it was close enough for Roberts, who used this lie to fire up the Wingnut Industrial Outrage Complex ©.
And then Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) took the baton and stumbled off with it:
No, Judge Merchan didn’t give them a fucking grab bag of crimes to choose from. That’s not how jury deliberations work, not even for a Soros-funded, Trump-hating Democrat like Merchan.
Somehow, the jury was smart enough to navigate the instructions and the evidence and return 34 guilty verdicts in less than 10 hours of deliberations.
Game, set, match.
Then again, if I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times: A lie can circumnavigate the globe once and be well into its second lap before the truth drags its sorry, hungover, lame-o ass out of bed.
what the fuck are you gibbering about, Marco? are you seriously suggesting that the jury is allowed to make shit up? that they’re in the jury room right now, going I don’t know, let’s make having fucked-up hair a crime. GUILTY! GUILTY!
here’s a fun fact: Marco Rubio is a lawyer. he knows that none of the poison he’s spewing is true. it’s just more performative nonsense to burnish his MAGA cred.
give it up, Marco. you’re never going to be Trump’s vice presidential pick.
speaking of Little Donny Fuckface, he’s got his own brand new lie he’s been yelling about, and it perfectly encapsulates how the Fox News Feedback Loop works:
The whole point of this trial is that the State of New York alleges that the Duke of Shitferbrainz committed 34 specific violations of state law.
And the jury concurred.
Then again, if he says there’s no crime….
oh, and by the way? Judge Merchan read the charges to Trump on April 14, 2024 — and Donny was awake.
Judge: “Mr. Trump, do you understand these charges?”
Trump: “Yes I do.”
So, at some point, Lord Stumblefuck understood the charges, which ought to mean something—until it doesn’t, and the lie can metastasize and become useful.
As expected, Judge Boxwine stumbled into the fray and lent all of her (not so) considerable credibility to backing up Fox News’ effort to impeach the court’s honesty and integrity.
None of what she says is true. It’s like she’s watching a different trial, but truth has never been the point for Fox News. It’s always been about ratings and, with it, advertising rates. She’s keeping both of those high means by maintaining a high level of anger within the Wingnut Industrial Outrage Complex ©.
That hasn’t proven to be a challenge for anyone at Fox News. The trial has provided them with a target-rich environment. There’s so much they can lie about, so the challenge has been figuring out what lies best serve their cause.
that’s two thirds of the Fox News Feedback loop — and today or tomorrow, when Trump is in his little courthouse playpen, holding his emotional support papers, he’ll read a printout of Drunkie’s words, and the loop will be complete. Donny while have lied, Fox will have repeated the lie, and Donny will use Fox News as proof that the lie is truth.
It’s a symbiotic lying ecosystem. A Fox News reporter gets to start the loops of lies, Judge Boxwine perpetuates and legitimizes it with her legal pedigree, and the Duke of Shitferbrainz closes the loop by reading her words off his emotional support papers printed for him during the time he’s been in court.
All this fans the flames of ire amongst the Wingnut Industrial Outrage Complex ©. From his Trump Social account to the social media accounts of the Wingnut Industrial Outrage Complex ©, the lies get disseminated to MAGAworld and quickly become Gospel among those who know that Joe Biden’s Department of Justice is railroading Donny Diaperfull.
Yes, there is “specificity” and a “crime”—34 of them have been adjudicated and affirmed by the jury. If the Duke of Shitferbrainz chooses not to understand them because he thinks feigning ignorance better serves his interests, how is that our problem?
Stupid is as stupid does, no?
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