Serbia Shows Americans How To React Appropriately To Mass Shootings
Not that we should be ashamed or anything...Hell, yes, we should be ashamed
It’s in our culture, sons inherit guns from their fathers and grandfathers. They will dig up holes and bury the weapons; they will hide them in wells and even in graveyards.
Earlier this week, I wrote about two mass shootings in two days in Serbia, a country I once lived in for a few months. Serbia is not a country unfamiliar with violence. It survived the post-Yugoslav wars of the ‘90s, but it’s not accustomed to the sort of mass shootings that we’ve used to here in America.
Two mass shootings in two days, one in the capital of Belgrade and one just to the south. That just doesn’t happen in Serbia; the last mass shooting in the country was in 2016. And the latest shootings shocked Serbians to their core. So they looked to America and asked themselves if that was where they wanted their small, now peaceful country to head.