White man who can't give birth lectures women on abortion
Every time a Right-wing White guy goes off on the evils of abortion, another pissed-off girl turns 18 and promises to vote
It's better to shut up and give the impression that you're stupid than to say something and erase all doubt.
Oscar Auliq-Ice
Never let it be said that Fox News Channel talking head Greg Gutfeld possesses an overabundance of self-awareness. That the man thinks he’s qualified to lecture (mansplain) women on abortion is a coffee-spew moment in and of itself. Having obtained his Bachelor’s degree from the University of Our Lady of Perpetual Motion, he believes himself to be smarter than your average bear.
That, ladies and gentlemen, is what makes Gutfeld so thoroughly entertaining.
If this week has taught us anything, it is that Americans are extremely eager to hear some more white guys they’ve never met telling them how to think about abortion. So our next entrant in the “MAGA idiot dudes having temper tantrums over the world leaving them behind forever” sweepstakes for the week is Greg Gutfeld, from yesterday on Fox News’s “The Five.”
If we’re handing out awards for different categories, this one can be Best Anti-Abortion Conniption That Oh No Is He Having A Stroke Right Now? What Is He Talking About?
People have abortions, Greg says, because they are terrified of transformational change. This is a very different argument from, say, Charlie Kirk’s breakdown about ALL SWIFTIES WANT IS SWIFT ABORTIONS!
Yeah, bring it on! More clueless White Conservative Christian (or Jewish, it doesn’t matter) Cisgender Heterosexual males telling women what they should think about abortion!
Wait…you say that White Conservative Christian Cisgender Heterosexual males can’t give birth, so what would they know? Of course, they can’t give birth, which makes them the perfect messengers! They don’t have all the emotions and hormones wrapped up in their decision-making process. They can calmly and rationally determine the pros and cons of having a child vis-a-vis having an abortion.
So, yes, White Conservative Christian Cisgender Heterosexual males are precisely who should be lecturing women on abortion.
Greg says that because the illegitimate partisan hack fascist Supreme Court overturned Roe, we no longer have to pretend abortion is a “right.” Therefore we don’t have to have “political discussions” about it. And he continued:
GREG GUTFELD: Abortion is based on a fear that is greater than the actual reality.
Yeah, what’s the big deal of having a baby? The baby comes and then somebody takes care of it and your life doesn’t change that much, oh wait that’s for Republican men.
GUTFELD: And if you don't believe me, talk to somebody who had a baby and then think about how they were before they had the baby. That's called a transformational change, right? The woman becomes a different woman than she was before when abortion was an option.
We do not believe him. Greg appears to be operating under the strange belief that nobody who has a baby regrets it. (Between 17 and 18 percent do according to studies, and that’s among people with the courage to admit it.)
Precisely. Now that the Supremes have knocked down the silly idea that abortion is a “right,” we no longer need to have “political discussions.” The matter’s been decided, so it’s time for all of us to move on. Right??
Don’tcha just LOVE Gutfeld’s “Abortion is based on a fear that is greater than the actual reality” comment? I’m interested in what he’s basing this learned opinion on.
And the idea that all women, once they deliver a baby, become different women because of…TRANSFORMATIONAL CHANGE? That’s something I’m sure Gutfeld is intimately familiar with, no? Because he’s so introspective and in touch with himself.
Not. You “mansplain” to women because you lack the decency, self-knowledge, and respect for women to grant them the intellectual bandwidth to understand the topic at hand.
As with any choice in life, some will regret having a child. Why? For the same reasons anyone regrets a life choice. Having a baby involves profound mandatory life changes, which many women willingly make, but it’s not so easy for others.
But, by all means, keep telling women how they should feel….
Dear white conservatives: Not all babies are blessings to whoever has them. Parenthood is not a miracle for everybody. And people who really don’t want or can’t handle having a child don’t magically change their minds in the delivery room.
But sure, Greg! Keep telling people how to feel about their bodies, their pregnancies and birthing humans! People love it when elderly Fox News dildos educate them about things like this. And it’s going great for you at the polls!
GUTFELD: And that drives the fear. Once you see that, you can't unsee it, right?
OK but really, is he having a stroke?
GUTFELD: It is the best antiabortion argument out there and no one is making it. People do have their reasons for abortions. You mentioned a very, very tragic and ugly one. But people make decisions out of their careers or maybe their relationship, the person they are dating isn't the person they want to marry. But underneath all of that is a fear of this transformational change and if you admit that that might actually move you to maybe a different stance than you have now.
Is Greg Gutfeld really so stupid and arrogant to believe that, even as a male and thus unable to bear children, he’s in a position to tell women how to feel and what to think about giving birth?
I ask that question only because the clear and obvious answer is an unequivocal YES! Because the White Conservative Christian Cisgender Heterosexual male position did SO well at the polls on Tuesday, no??
And despite it all, some believe that the way to prevail is to become even MORE extreme and intolerant of women’s rights.
Because, when you break it all down, women are the property of men, right??
It’s all about TRANSFORMATIONAL CHANGE, don’tchaknow??
We don’t know if the political discussion would change if instead of forced birth it was forced TRANSFORMATIONAL CHANGE, but Greg is welcome to try to get conservatives to adopt the framing.
Should people be forced to carry their rapists’ TRANSFORMATIONAL CHANGES?
Should they just face their fear of the TRANSFORMATIONAL CHANGE of a pregnancy killing them?
Because, at least if you listen to Greg Gutfeld, pregnancy is all about TRANSFORMATIONAL CHANGE, something women should openly embrace. And they shouldn’t look at it as forced to give birth TRANSFORMATIONAL CHANGE. Still, it’s an opportunity to overcome their “fear” and experience the TRANSFORMATIONAL CHANGE and “personal growth” only women are privileged to experience.
Of course, you do have to overlook the fact that women are being lectured by a clueless, impotent male Fox News White Conservative Christian Cisgender Heterosexual.
Obviously Greg Gutfeld is just pigfucking ignorant. And we don’t need to lean into those tragic situations to rebut his babbling. Let’s debunk his entire mouth with one fact: 60 percent of people who have abortions already have children, you stupid motherfucker.
Put that in your transformational change pipe and inhale.
These lunatic freaks will never, ever understand that the reason America keeps voting against them is because they don’t want Republican politicians in the room making their medical decisions for them.
It’s not about finding a certain week cut-off for when abortion is magically no longer OK.
It’s not about making sure people who are pregnant take the requisite 72 hours to think about if they really truly for real do not want to be pregnant anymore.
The message from Americans to white Republican conservative Christians is get out of our fucking lives.
The electoral beatings will continue until forever.
I fully understand that some are unalterably opposed to abortion. That’s fine, and it’s their right to believe as they will in a free society. That right is protected under the 1st Amendment of our Constitution.
What’s not protected is what they see as their “right” to proscribe the rights of those who hold different beliefs- including the right of a woman to make choices regarding her own body, up to and including abortion.
A significant majority of Americans- something like three in four, depending on which poll you consult- supports a woman’s right to choose. While a rigged Conservative Supreme Court ash-canned Roe v. Wade last year, there are other ways to ensure that the right to safe and legal abortions remains available to women. The Supreme Court returned the decision on abortion to the states, and several states have enshrined the right to abortion into law. Ohio voters just made it part of the Buckeye State’s Constitution.
If White Conservative Christian Cisgender Heterosexuals choose to continue to fight their battles via the ballot box, they will continue to lose ignominiously. The only way they will emerge victoriously is to cheat, something they’ve shown a willingness to do on other issues. It could and may well happen. Beating back that challenge will require vigilance, commitment, and the willingness to ignore ignorant know-it-alls like Gutfeld.
Because women deserve far better than a schlemiel like Greg Gutfeld mansplaining abortion to them. What a putz.
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