Hey, Erin,

[JOKE] You love him for his Personality, right? [/JOKE]

Keep 'em coming, 'migo; "Illegitimi non Carborundum!"

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Well, that’s what she tells me, Phil. 😝🤷🏻‍♂️

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Some time back toward the mid- (maybe even early) 90's, I got a haircut. It was a horror. The person thought they were an Artiste, and didn't need to attend to any of my instructions, and did things to my mob that were very stylish and timely, but left me mortified to be seen in public. When I got home I washed the chemicals out, and never got another hair cut again. I will periodically take a pair of scissors and chop off 2 inches, most of which are split ends any way. But that is it. Following my dad's pattern, things are getting a bit thin on top, while my hairline has been receding for a while now. But I'm leaving the ragmop as is for the time being.

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I think we all should do what we deem necessary and be OK with it. I am. 😀

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