Now that’s investigative journalism! 👏👏 So they hear it through the grapevine, and Voila, they produce a shitty whine with a “rich” bouquet of sedimental nonsense. They’ve become the dregs, scraping the bottom of the barrel. Makes me wanna stomp on their seedless grapes.
In addition to gutting its staff of actual reporters (keeping around a couple of big names who do nothing to challenge the status quo), NUT ... typo, I meant NYT ... has so internalized "both-sides-ism" that the idea of actually reporting *FACTS* is all but entirely alien to their corporate culture. WaPo is far from perfect, but I'll actually maintain my subscription to them. At this point, I wouldn't accept a gift subscription to NYT.
Excellent commentary, Jack. And you are spot on about Napoleonic little man baby AG. I recently cancelled my Times subscription, that rag is pathetic trash as well as it’s staff.
Now that’s investigative journalism! 👏👏 So they hear it through the grapevine, and Voila, they produce a shitty whine with a “rich” bouquet of sedimental nonsense. They’ve become the dregs, scraping the bottom of the barrel. Makes me wanna stomp on their seedless grapes.
In addition to gutting its staff of actual reporters (keeping around a couple of big names who do nothing to challenge the status quo), NUT ... typo, I meant NYT ... has so internalized "both-sides-ism" that the idea of actually reporting *FACTS* is all but entirely alien to their corporate culture. WaPo is far from perfect, but I'll actually maintain my subscription to them. At this point, I wouldn't accept a gift subscription to NYT.
Excellent commentary, Jack. And you are spot on about Napoleonic little man baby AG. I recently cancelled my Times subscription, that rag is pathetic trash as well as it’s staff.
🤣 🤣 🤭 😳