Yes, Texas while never a paragon of progressivism has now taken another step on the way to becoming Saudi Arabia southwest, or Howdy Arabia as you said. It's so debilitating to have to witness the continuing triumph of the Christofascists here, while the rest of the nation has scored victory after victory for abortion rights. I keep asking the rhetorical question, "what the hell will it take?" before enough people are fired up enough to surge to the polls and vote these cretins out of office. Not even the great frozen blackout of 2021, or the Uvalde elementary shooting in May of 2022 was enough to make voters turn against Abbott, Paxon, and the rest of them. I wish that I believed that the Cox debacle is going to move the needle, but I'm not confident. I mean I hope that I'm wrong, but I wouldn't put money on it. Damn Texas.

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I wish I knew. It's long been said that Texas would vote for a ham sandwich if it had an "R" behind its name, and in the rural parts of the state where "D" might as well be "C" for "communist," Fox News still rules. If it were just the cities, I think sanity might stand a chance, but rural Texas still runs on rumor, innuendo, and the Right-wing Echo Chamber.

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