I know I'm old school about such things -- I mean, I'm the kind of guy who drops out of the computer business to get a Ph.D. in philosophy -- but I am at a loss to understand why any institution nominally of higher education would invite a commencement speaker with no evidence of even basic intelligence, never mind an actual, you know, *education*.
I know I'm old school about such things -- I mean, I'm the kind of guy who drops out of the computer business to get a Ph.D. in philosophy -- but I am at a loss to understand why any institution nominally of higher education would invite a commencement speaker with no evidence of even basic intelligence, never mind an actual, you know, *education*.
I know I'm old school about such things -- I mean, I'm the kind of guy who drops out of the computer business to get a Ph.D. in philosophy -- but I am at a loss to understand why any institution nominally of higher education would invite a commencement speaker with no evidence of even basic intelligence, never mind an actual, you know, *education*.
Well...he does kick balls.... 🤭