Here's what I don't understand... Republicans were the first wave of the patriotic-as-fuck crowd to go after Saddam for non-existent WMDS post 9/11... because we lost 3000 Americans to an evil plan that did NOT involve Iraq.
NOW, we have nearly 30,000 Americans PER DAY catching (and often succumbing to) a PREVENTABLE virus. Get that - that is 10X the victims of 9/11 EVERY DAY.
If you listened to Trump (who got vaccinated), or Mitch McConnell (who got vaccinated) and then rely on Fox "news" to tell you where to stand on this issue... well, you'll almost certainly contract the new Delta variant of the virus, and many of you will die needlessly. Your children who are too young for vaccination will also get sick and/or die.
THEY are the only reason I feel heartsick over this surge among the unvaccinated. This is not THEIR fault, but they may die because of your stupidity. (On the other hand, you probably would have raised them with your mistaken beliefs, so I suppose, tragic as it is, that they should die, too. But you should remember, their deaths are for YOUR sins.)
When we were attacked on 9/11, Republicans came out in force to do whatever it took to stop the terrorism. Ham-handed as it was, they TRIED to push our country forward. TODAY, we have knee-jerk reactionary Republicans who are actively dispersing fake information that is killing thousands of people... and weirdly, most of those victims are their own base.
Get a vaccine or die. It's your choice, but If you DON'T get the shot. I HOPE you and your whole family die. Maybe Covid can rid the world of idiot Trumpublicans.
Here's what I don't understand... Republicans were the first wave of the patriotic-as-fuck crowd to go after Saddam for non-existent WMDS post 9/11... because we lost 3000 Americans to an evil plan that did NOT involve Iraq.
NOW, we have nearly 30,000 Americans PER DAY catching (and often succumbing to) a PREVENTABLE virus. Get that - that is 10X the victims of 9/11 EVERY DAY.
If you listened to Trump (who got vaccinated), or Mitch McConnell (who got vaccinated) and then rely on Fox "news" to tell you where to stand on this issue... well, you'll almost certainly contract the new Delta variant of the virus, and many of you will die needlessly. Your children who are too young for vaccination will also get sick and/or die.
THEY are the only reason I feel heartsick over this surge among the unvaccinated. This is not THEIR fault, but they may die because of your stupidity. (On the other hand, you probably would have raised them with your mistaken beliefs, so I suppose, tragic as it is, that they should die, too. But you should remember, their deaths are for YOUR sins.)
When we were attacked on 9/11, Republicans came out in force to do whatever it took to stop the terrorism. Ham-handed as it was, they TRIED to push our country forward. TODAY, we have knee-jerk reactionary Republicans who are actively dispersing fake information that is killing thousands of people... and weirdly, most of those victims are their own base.
Get a vaccine or die. It's your choice, but If you DON'T get the shot. I HOPE you and your whole family die. Maybe Covid can rid the world of idiot Trumpublicans.