Dec 13, 2023Liked by Jack Cluth

The refusal of either side to deal with the facts on the ground makes everything worse. And Netanyahu knew a year in advance, warned by his own and foreign intelligence services (including Egypt's) that Hamas was gearing up for a major attack, yet did nothing.

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Netanyahu has a lot of Palestinian AND Israeli blood on his hands. What will be interesting will be how he attempts to evade responsibility. I suspect that once the war is over Israelis will want his head on a pike. I can't think of a better place for it.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Jack Cluth

According to Ha'aretz, they already want it. Nutty-Yahoo is trying to justify his position as a "war president" (a la Shrub), but so far it is not working.

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I think his time in office is waning and his popularity may not outlast the war. Like Donald Trump, he's got some significant legal issues to sort out.

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