Neo-fascists attempting to enfranchise the Rev. Dr. King as one of their own is a special form of outrage for me. While I cannot claim to be a expert in the field, I have in fact published in the peer-reviewed literature on an aspect of his philosophy. So I know enough to start blowing blood-vessels when I read lies such as:

-- He voted Republican! (A bald face lie. Anyone claiming to know how he voted is lying, since no one actually has any information on that subject.)

-- He was a Baptist minister, so he was a conservative! (The fucking SBC literally changed their rules because of King so that no one like him would ever rise to a position of notice withing the So. Baptist Convention ever again.)

-- The "judged by character rather than color" bit is such a vicious reversal of what he was saying, it is on the same plane as claiming Hitler was an advocate for the Jewish people.


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The cognitive dissonance is so thick you could almost bathe in it.

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