"Ah, but Burns needs a “bogeyman” to inflame his audience and (most importantly) to separate them from their money."

This is all you ever need to know about Republicans. It's always about how they can get those sweet, sweet donations from people they love to keep in poverty.

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Precisely. It's the reason Lord Stumblefuck paints such a dark picture of America--crime out of control, drugs on the streets, immigrants raping our women. Fear works, and when someone comes along to manipulate that fear and promising to make things better, they tend to be able to pry money lose from the gullible fools who follow them.

Mark Burns isn't even trying to be subtle.

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May 13Liked by Jack Cluth

Yeah, "Antifa" is a label that anyone can accept or reject, but there's no more organization there than there is in my cat's yet-to-be-scooped litter box. A for Jeffrey (I had a friend over for dinner) Dahmer, Trump in NJ the other day praised Hannibal Lecter as a fine person, evidently indifferent to the fact that the character is a cannibalistic psychopath, and evidently unaware of the fact that he is a fictional character.

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Yes, and Dolt 45 insists that he's a "stable genius." Wir sind sehr gefickt.

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