Dammit...! "Simply," not "Dimply." The letters are wearing off my keyboard!

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What you wrote here is troubling enough... but it's actually far worse.

When Clarence Thomas publicly says that same-sex marriage and contraception should be next on the chopping block, his hypocrisy is friggin' waist-deep. What he DIDN'T mention was that mixed-race marriage was ALSO based on the "constitutional right to privacy." That would be awkward, because his wife is white.

Dimply because of his statements, he should be forced to recuse himself on any cases based on this issue. He has shown himself to be biased before any such case domes before the court. He should actually be impeached, for these statements and his knowledge of his wife's work to overthrow the 2020 election.

The recent decision in Miranda cases to remove the ability of people to hold government officials accountable, and the decision against sensible gun laws in New York also posit an horrific future for this country.

Now Republicans are falling all over each other, congratulating themselves for these "wins," but it will be funny to watch when they realize that "no protection of privacy" means the government can inspect and enumerate your gun cache, that the police can spy on your phone without a warrant, and more. I can't wait for the "But, but, but... We didn't mean it THAT way."

Fuck with American democracy, suffer consequences. 75% of Americans think Roe should have been left alone. (PS- They vote.)

I see also that after about 2 years, "Q" is back to rile up the uneducated, pushing his MAGA vision. Thing is, in a right and proper world, Trump will be in the docket on election day, if not already wearing prison orange.

I presently weep for the future of democracy in America as we know it, but there IS still hope.

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