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After all the word garbage that is spewed on and about tRump all these years, one question begs an honest answer. With all we know of his past and all that has been published about what he intends his next term in office why why in the name of sanity, in the name of commonsense in the name of all that is good and clean in this world why would you vote for him? The kids in college are jumping up and down about Palestinians and the awful suffering they are going through. I understand that but for you, anyone, to say that I am voting for dear leader because of the war in Palestine/Israel all I can say is WTF! Do you think for one second that dear leader is going to do anything? He could care less about anything except himself. Let's see he has already bragged about how he got rid of Roe v Wade. He has said he will be dictator on day one. One day is all he will need. From then on he WILL BE dictator for life. There will be no freedom no going back no law except for what he says. Education will be controlled by the Christian Nationalists with their Project 2025 manifesto. Total ban on abortion. Concentration camps for all. This is not hidden this is a published book! And these kids that do not know anything about their history are going to be stupid and vote for him because of a war half a world away. Never mind you will be controlled, every waking moment, of everyday will be monitored by someone in a secret office where everything you say and do will be noted. If you are stupid enough to violate the new rules set up by tRump and company you will be investigated charged and thrown into a concentration camp. Every time I bring these things up I hear oh they will never let that happen. Or my favorite, oh that will never happen here! tRump and his gang will run ruff shod over this country. And even if you are of the opinion that it won't happen here, are you willing to bet your freedoms, and your country that you are right and all the people fighting to defeat tRump are wrong? Well I am glad you are so secure in your certainty. And when it all blows up in your face what will you say then? I'm sorry, I didn't think, by then it will be TOO LATE! Do you think for one minute tRump is going to say I'm sorry I'll return the country. NO FUCK NO. He will run us and this country so far into tge ground there will be no turning back. There will be nothing to turn back to. In the meantime a great many innocent people will be in concentration camps. Plenty of whom will die, whose only crime was having a sexual preference not to their liking or being the wrong religion or the wrong skin tone or you happen to speak Spanish, you get the idea. All this and more awaits you behind door number 3. At the worst possible point in time you picked the worst possible person to the highest position in the land. And now there is no do over. No next election, because there won't be any more elections. Don't you get it? If he gets in there will be no getting him out of there. He has already shown us that much by crying that the election was stolen from him. He has every intention in the world to stay in power and put down any resistance to him and his rule. You can say I am paranoid, you can say I am prejudiced against him. Yes to both counts. I know a person of good character when I see one and I definitely know a crooked sleaze bag when I see one. tRump is one hundred percent sleaze while Joe Biden has spent his life trying to help this nation be the best it can be. This November the choice is very clear you can vote for a man of integrity or a total sleaze bag who says everyone is against him for no reason and that he has not done anything wrong. The one glaring thing is all those classified documents that they took out of his stupid resort in Fla. Anyone else would have been thrown behind bars so fast but not our dear leader. He has gotten away with so much because of who he is, no ordinary person would have been treated like that. They would have thrown us in jail then they would talk to you if they felt like it. But you uneducated stupid no nothing people who think that donney is going to ride to your rescue, well just keep waiting. One word of advice don't open your mouth and complain you will not like the answer you get. My opinion as a citizen of Earth. Shalom Dan

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"[O]h that will never happen here!" I think that was also popular in Germany around 1933, if memory serves...and I don't recall that turning out well. Yes, those who don't remember history are condemned to repeat it...and it CAN happen here. Let's hope it doesn't come to that, but for that to happen we need to VOTE.

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