"You don’t get those by lacking functional brain cells." -- Ah, I'd argue rather that you don't *earn* those w/o functional brain cells, but you can still buy them with enough money sheer determination.

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True. You can buy just about anything if you throw enough money at it. It only took $44 billion for Elon Musk to buy Twitter, though apparently the wisdom option was unavailable at the time of purchase. He's already run the value down to about $12.5 billion. So much for functional brain cells....

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BS aside, you need to group a bunch of your posts with similar topics, ie. bios, hypocrisy, etc. and bind them together. You have such a wealth of posts and info. In so many ways reminds me of Mort Sahl, Lenny Bruce, and Molly Ivans, Jack Anderson, etc. etc. even Mark Twin and William Rogers. I'll buy the first copy.

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Thanks, Bob. I've been tossing around ideas for a book...and something along the lines of what you're suggesting has been among those ideas. And any time someone could even begin to think of considering me in the same thought with Molly Ivins or the others, I'm beyond humbled.

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