"How do you attract attention in a world where the written world continues to decrease in value?" -- Man, if I had an answer to that one, I'd be one typing-ass fool.

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Jack - For this Thanksgiving I am (naturally) predominately counting my blessings of family, friends, health and wealth. But I also must extend my thanks to you and your postings. I have been a daily reader for (unbelievably) over 14 years, and you have been something of a friend, definitely an inspiration, and a source of entertainment for more than half of the time I have had internet access.

I have shared some of your posts with friends, and MANY of your John Pavlovitz forwards to my Unitarian Univeralist mother (who loved them, and passed them on to her church.)

Out there on the keyboard, it may sometimes feel like you're singing into the void... but it's not true. Your words have gone places you would never expect. Profitable or not, your writing has made a difference in the world.

Mahalo, and a very happy Thanksgiving to you and yours,


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Thank you, David. That means more than you could possibly know. Fourteen years?? Damn. We’re getting old. 😝

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