This should be the definitive standard of what defines a human's simple and foolproof, which is more than can be said for the Alabama Supreme Court
The idea that an insensate blob of parasitic protoplasm with no more agency than a hair follicle is a baby is as stupid as one can get. Since something in the neighborhood of 50% of all such blobs never implant in the placenta, does that mean we start arresting every woman who takes a pee? ('cause that's where that 50% go.)
The story is told of Diogenes (who deliberately lived in a barrel, often wandered the streets of Athens naked, and publicly masturbated), in response to the philosophers definition of a human being as a "featherless biped", would go through the streets with a plucked chicken shouting, "Behold! A man!"
The idea that an insensate blob of parasitic protoplasm with no more agency than a hair follicle is a baby is as stupid as one can get. Since something in the neighborhood of 50% of all such blobs never implant in the placenta, does that mean we start arresting every woman who takes a pee? ('cause that's where that 50% go.)
The story is told of Diogenes (who deliberately lived in a barrel, often wandered the streets of Athens naked, and publicly masturbated), in response to the philosophers definition of a human being as a "featherless biped", would go through the streets with a plucked chicken shouting, "Behold! A man!"
Yeah, but could the chicken shoot a free throw??