Alexey Navalny is as heroic a figure in his way in Russia, as MLK is in America. It could well be argued that in he is even more heroic because King for all of his formidable and impressive courage never entered a situation where he knew ahead of time that his freedom would be taken away for years. Navalny, knew when he returned to Russia in 2021 that he would be arrested, found guilty in a rigged trial, and imprisoned for many years, and possibly not ever get out; and this is what has happened. In the annals of history, Navalny's courage will stand the test of time as an example for which to marvel.

Now, some observations about Putin and Russia. I agree that Putin will face no immediate consequences. However, if America returns to funding Ukraine, which we desperately need to, then Ukrainian resistance can defeat his military on the battlefield and contribute to the conditions that will eventually unseat him. This is what happened to Slobodan Milosevic of Yugoslavia in the early 2000's. If Putin's aggression is stalled and repelled by Ukraine, as they were doing, then eventually a similar fate could await Putin. Another observation; I can't prove it, but I seriously doubt that Putin would ever go nuclear against Ukraine. If this were a real possibility, he'd been losing in Ukraine, so why hasn't he already done so? the reason I believe is that he knows that whatever momentary advantage he might gain, he also knows that going nuclear would definitely, not most likely, doom him. He would immediately lose all of the scant support he has from other nations now including most significantly China. He would become the most universally hated person in the world overnight. Putin is a sociopath, but he's not crazy. He knows what would happen from going nuclear and it will stay his hand from it. No, the primary threat to Ukraine, the rules based order, and boon to Putin's regime is the Republican House of Representatives. These people are surely the most traitorous caucus in history since the House Democrats in 1860. They are despicable and if there is any justice they will pay a price for it. I will end with a prediction; watch as the far Left utterly ignores the outrage of Nalvany's death. They will not speak out against it, they will not publish a statement against it, and they for sure will not organize protests for it. The reason for this is as simple as it is bracing; they hate the West, they hate America, and therefore they must be indifferent to the crimes of the foes of America; that's not when they're actively cheering for them. Bottom line; the extremism here in America isn't isolated on the Right, our far Left flank rivals them, only they do not have the political heft to present the same threat; at least not yet, and we need to keep it that way.

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I'm not certain that I agree with you about the America Far Left, but it's a well-organized argument and I can't credibly discount the possibility that you may well be correct. I am concerned that Navalny's death may ultimately be for naught, though I keep hoping that House Republicans will somehow manage to remove their anteriors from their posteriors. This should be a situation with a fairly straightforward response; instead, Republicans are allowing a sociopath to have the run of the place...and it makes no sense, especially for a party that screams about freedom and liberty.

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I too am hoping that Nalvany's death will shake these traitors out of their on-going treachery, you're right, this is easy it's not hard. But Majority Speaker Johnson has already made a public statement condemning Putin and declaring that American stands united with the world against him. This is something that I couldn't have imagined only days ago, so hopefully it moves them to do the right thing. When I refer to the "Far Left" I am talking about those who went out into the streets to rally in support of Hamas after 10/7. Or, that branch of BLM who posted an image of a para-glider like the ones that Hamas used for their massacre. I don't think it's going out on a limb to say that these people are not going to express any sympathy for Nalvany or express any criticism of Putin. Indeed, I have seen them try to justify Putin's aggression against Ukraine. I've said it before and it bears repeating; although they share most of my political beliefs, I would not want to live in an America where the Far Left were in charge of the Nation, anymore than I like living under the sway of the Far Right. The only difference is that the Far Left lacks the financial backing of the Far Right to boost their influence. And I'm thankful for that.

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