It’s astounding how many clumps of shit can easily be found in our sand box’s these days. This species of faeces attracts the flys which end up becoming MAGA’ts. They must be swatted down and eradicated immediately,in order to keep our playgrounds healthy and environmentally safe! 🤪
"this is like Jeffrey Dahmer going on TV to whine about ..." I would have said, "... the quality of Korean meat." But that probably would have been in bad taste.
It is hysterical that Booboo tries to play Carpet Bagger in a new district, but she's the only bag and the closest she comes to the carpet is her rug burn.
Yeah, the decline and fall of Lauren Boebert will be particularly sweet, especially since it's almost 100% self-inflicted. She could've been an irritant like Marjorie Trailer Greene and probably kept her seat indefinitely, but she lacked the maturity to remember why she was sent to Congress. It wasn't to be a jackass.
It’s astounding how many clumps of shit can easily be found in our sand box’s these days. This species of faeces attracts the flys which end up becoming MAGA’ts. They must be swatted down and eradicated immediately,in order to keep our playgrounds healthy and environmentally safe! 🤪
"this is like Jeffrey Dahmer going on TV to whine about ..." I would have said, "... the quality of Korean meat." But that probably would have been in bad taste.
It is hysterical that Booboo tries to play Carpet Bagger in a new district, but she's the only bag and the closest she comes to the carpet is her rug burn.
Yeah, the decline and fall of Lauren Boebert will be particularly sweet, especially since it's almost 100% self-inflicted. She could've been an irritant like Marjorie Trailer Greene and probably kept her seat indefinitely, but she lacked the maturity to remember why she was sent to Congress. It wasn't to be a jackass.