Great post on Tim Scott, and just a little uncanny too, because I mentioned him in my reply to your post on Nikki Haley. But you've nailed the essence of him, which is rancid to its core. I appreciated your detailing of how vile his allusion to the great Fannie Lou Hamer really was. Hamer was an exceptional human being whose legacy burns all the more brightly because of her sacrifice and her unpretentious activism. Scott being of the same race as her, and misusing a signature phrase of hers, is more than a cheap sellout, it's an affront to humanity. Scott is the indigenous plantation slave owner. He is the wife of the board member who supported efforts to keep women from voting. He is the "coolie" valuing the praise of his colonial master more than he valued the plight of his fellow Indians. He is the Jew who collaborated with the Nazis to facilitate the confinement of Jews to the ghetto, with the final destination the extermination camps. Scott is the ignoble inheritor of every sad and repellent factotum in history. He is a skid mark on the fabric of society soiling the laundry, and making a stench in the process.

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"A skid mark on the fabric of society." That's going into my arsenal for future use. :-)

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I'm honored! :--}

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