I believe it was John Dewey who said, "you will sooner pry a miser from his hoard than ween a man of his most cherished beliefs." My variation is Herstein's First Law: Never underestimate human capacity for denial. And so the lies at Fox will continue unabated, because to stop now, to yield to the reality-based community, would undermine their entire raison d'etre, and drive away the base that is only interested in having the lies they want to believe repeated to them.
I believe it was John Dewey who said, "you will sooner pry a miser from his hoard than ween a man of his most cherished beliefs." My variation is Herstein's First Law: Never underestimate human capacity for denial. And so the lies at Fox will continue unabated, because to stop now, to yield to the reality-based community, would undermine their entire raison d'etre, and drive away the base that is only interested in having the lies they want to believe repeated to them.
Fox News is #1 because they specialize in confirmation bias for those who depend on having it to survive.