Not one person in 1,000 who throws around the term "Critical Race Theory" even has the first clue about what it is or means. The level of ignorance is even worse, I suspect, than it is with those who bandy about "socialism" as a pejorative.

Absolutely no one at the primary or secondary school levels, and almost no one at the college/university level has even been exposed to actual CRT. Until the recent noise, it was a specialized, statistically dense subject taught exclusively at law schools. And most of THOSE folks (students and professors at law schools) never encountered the subject, either.

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True enough. I don't even fully understand what CRT is, and I'm a pretty intelligent guy. Most of the intellectual black holes who toss them term around like a hand grenade have no clue what CRT is, only that it's BAD. REALLY BAD. And that's as far as what passes for a thought process goes.

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Short form (and, of course, MY understanding): CRT is the examination, through detailed *statistical* analysis, of the effects of various laws on persons of color, most especially the black community. Up until recently, it was only ever taught in top level law schools, and then only as an elective (so even most law students and professors skipped it.) Because of the interest ginned up by reichwhiner histrionics, there are a very few universities now presenting intro courses in non-law school contexts.

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