Donald Trump- the head of a "a seething cult devoid of deep political thought"
MAGA World reacts as you might expect to 34 guilty verdicts...by blaming the system and not the criminal. It's a "witch hunt" like I'm Taylor Swift.
Donald Trump was found guilty by a jury of his peers. Dutifully, the party of “law and order” got its marching orders: go after the judge, the jury, and the system. That’s right, the party of law and order is no more; they are now the party of raw political power with no moral center.
If Donald Trump were a military member, he would be immediately discharged and stripped of his security clearance. He can no longer vote, even for himself, or own a firearm. He is a felon, with all the connotations that brings. This would be a great time for the GOP to find its soul and remove him from the ticket. But we know the reality: they won’t. Call it fear, call it evil—whatever label you put on it, the last vestiges of self-respect and moral clarity left long ago, replaced by a seething cult devoid of deep political thought.
I Face-timed my 83-year-old mother after the verdict came down this afternoon. She hates Donald Trump almost unhealthily—not that I blame her. Man, when she gets wound up on the subject of Lord Stumblefuck, she’s a sight to behold. Never mind that she’s preaching to the choir, and I must remind her of that. I also have to remind her that it’s not good for her blood pressure or her peace of mind.
So, I was expecting her to be jubilant at the news that a jury convicted Dolt 45 on all 34 counts. After all, Donald Trump will forever have the label “Convicted Felon” preceding his name, which makes me giddy. To my surprise, though, Mom was saddened by it all—not that she was unhappy that he was convicted, of course, but she didn’t see it as the victory I did.
She’s not wrong, of course. Today is also a sad day. For the first time in this country’s 248-year history, a former President has been convicted of a felony—in this case, 34 of them. We don’t as yet know the Duke of Shitferbrainz’s sentence—that will be handed down on July 11. There’s the real possibility that DA Alvin Bragg could be asking for prison time for the 45th President. And I, for one, fervently hope that Judge Juan Merchan will sentence Mango Mussolini to prison.
He deserves nothing less.
Above anything else, this is a great day for America. It’s undoubtedly a great day for justice. It proves that no one, even a narcissistic sociopath like Donald Trump, is above the law. There comes a point where Lady Justice will hold us accountable if we break the law.
DA Bragg and his staff had to work harder to make it stick in Trump’s case, but stick it did. Even though the Duke of Shitferbrainz will drag the appeals process out as long as possible, he will forever carry the “Convicted Felon” label in front of his name.
, like a lot of people, jumped in with his two cents. His words don’t indicate that he was doing cartwheels, nor was he disappointed with the verdicts. Dworkin merely states the obvious when he says that if Dolt 45 didn’t want to be convicted, he shouldn’t have committed the crimes.Convicted felon Donald Trump. That is his new name. Forever. If Trump didn’t want to be a convicted felon, he shouldn’t have committed felonies.
Now we move on to the sentencing phase, which will take place 4 days before the Republican Convention.
Trump just made a rambling statement filled with lies, and one of the first questions after it was “are you going to drop out?” I don’t think he will, but these are the questions he will face from now on. He left with a frown on his face.
This is a great day for the United States of America. No one is above the law.
It’s not rocket science, y’all.
For a man who’s run for President with a supposed “law and order” mentality, Lord Stumblefuck is someone who’s never lived under the law. That’s something that’s always applied to others. He’s always gamed the system and found ways to get around the rules.
He’s allowed underlings to do his dirty work his entire life. Michael Cohen went to prison for breaking the law for him. Those who’ve served him were expected to show complete and unflinching loyalty, but that fidelity went only one way. Those servants would be thrown under the first available bus when the moment required.
And Trump didn’t care because other people existed for the sole purpose of serving his interests.
For the first time in his 78 years, Donald Trump is being held accountable. There’s no one he can throw under a bus. There are no substitutes, nor any buses. There is only the man himself.
Now, the Biden campaign has been handed a golden ticket. The Presidential race is now between President Joe Biden and Convicted Felon Donald Trump.
That, of course, is incredibly sad, but it paints the choice in stark and distinctive colors. On the one hand, we have a moral, decent, and fundamentally good man. On the other is a narcissist and sociopath who’d have no interest at all if not for self-interest.
Of course, the minds of most of his supporters will hardly be changed by the verdict. If you go to Truth Social, Dolt 45’s Right-wing echo chamber of a social media platform, the reactions are as stupid as they were predictable.
Trump says he’s ‘The Most Innocent Man in the History of Our Country’ at lie-filled Waco Rally
This reaction is pretty typical and is, in fact, one of the more rational responses. But Conservative? Edmund Burke would be spinning in his grave. Enabling? Sure. Permissive? Absolutely. Immoral? Youbetcha. Sickening? Don’t even get me started.
What does it say about someone when they can say in all seriousness that they don’t care that Dolt 45 is a convicted felon, that they’re still going to vote for him? Nothing good to be certain, but at least 40% of American voters—perhaps even more—feel that way.
(Cry me a fucking river, Transparently Dumbass Propaganda Boy.)
Compare that with how they’d feel if Joe Biden was the one in Trump’s shoes. The torches and pitchforks brigades would already be encircling the White House, baying angrily for blood. The hypocrisy and double standard at work here is stunning, but MAGAnauts are amoral, ignorant, and as immune to logic as they are to reason.
They. Don’t. Care.
That’s precisely why it’s imperative that Trump and his enablers lose on November 6th. And not just lose, but be crushed ignominiously and without any lingering doubt. Ideally, there should be no question but that Donald Trump lost in humiliating fashion, so much so that there’s no way he could credibly claim the election was stolen.
May the crocodile tears of Trump’s enablers float their boats as they escape to the waiting, welcoming arms of Vladimir Putin.
Repeat after me, y’all:
Lock him up!!
Lock him up!!
Lock him up!!
Lock him up!!
Man, I could do this all night…and you have to know that wherever she is, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is smiling from ear to ear and shotgunning Coronas.
You go, Gurl!!
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An excellent and timely post. The one thing that I disagree with is the notion that Trump's guilty convictions are "sad." On the contrary, they are a joyous repudiation of his evil and a a glorious expression of justice. What is sad is that Trump ever became president, and that the Republican Party is still all in for him as their presidential candidate anyway. Those things are sad, pathetic, disgusting, or any number of other adjectives you can come up with. But his convictions today are cause for relief at worse, celebration at best.
It’s a glorious day when 12 resistance fighters carve a F for felon on the forehead of a fascist pig for all the world to see. I feel no jail time would be an injustice to the common citizen, leaving the door even wider open for proof of white privilege. So yes, lock him up! Let Hillary do the honors in a photo op. 🤞 Cheers 🍻