I was working in the IT section of the Chicago office of Bank of Montreal, and commented in a general email that as the email system belonged to BMO, care needed to be exercised especially around the acceptance &/or sharing of attachments. Any introduction of a virus into the systems could be deemed actionable (the word I used) by management.

Well, one of the recipients of that email decided he was far too important to have anyone say such a thing to him, called me up on the phone, and angrily demanded, "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?"

I must have slept well the previous night, because I didn't miss a beat and shot right back, "Do you know who I am?"

That actually knocked him back a few steps, because he had to admit that he did not. (And I never bothered to tell him I was no one of consequence.) After he got off his high horse, I explained the issues to him, again, and we finished the phone call in a civil & professional manner.

So I am now permanently amused by that phrase, as well as pre-armed against it.

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People like that never expect to be called on their bullshit, and it's invariably quite a shock to the system when they are. Bullies are used to creating fear; they're never equipped for pushback.

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