Donald Trump doesn't give a fetid shit about anything but getting elected
Contraceptives? I doubt he even knows what they're for.
Live from somewhere in the Unified Reich —
Did you see Lord Stumblefuck in the interview with a local reporter from East Clown Rectum, NJ? The reporter asked the vapid lunatic, since he’s opposed to abortion, if he’s also opposed to contraceptives.
At that moment, Dolt 45 looked like a moose caught in a Humvee’s high beams. He had no idea what hit him, but he recovered enough to blurt out a word salad about how his campaign is cobbling together a policy and that we’ll love it.
And, also at that moment, I had two thoughts:
He had no idea what his policy on contraceptives was because
He has no clue what contraceptives are or do.
My God, what a fucking tool.
In an appearance on Pittsburgh’s CBS affiliate KDKA on Tuesday, Donald Trump was asked by interviewer Jon Delano if he supported any “restrictions on a person’s right to contraception.”
His answer was the exact same boilerplate response he’s had every other time he’s been asked about reproductive rights in the last month or so.
“We’re looking at that, and I’m going to have a policy on that very shortly,” he said. “And I think it’s something that you’ll find interesting, and it’s another issue that’s very interesting, but you will find it, I think, very smart. I think it’s a smart decision.”
He then followed that up with, “You know, things really do have a lot to do with the states, and some states are going to have different policy than others.”
Delano would’ve gotten a more coherent response from the putter buried in the back of my garage. But you’ll find it, I think, very smart. I think it’s a smart putter. Sadly, it doesn’t work for shit.
The fact of the matter is that Dolt 45’s only concern lies with saying what will get him the most votes, and at the moment Jon Delano asked him the question (which he was unprepared for), he had no idea how much bullshit to slather on his answer.
Unsurprisingly, the interview made its way around the internet pretty quickly, leading Trump to respond in a calm and reasonable way on his failing Truth Social site.
I mean, it’s not a “Democrat fabricated lie” — it’s literally what he said, out loud, in a television interview for all the world to see.
Failure, poverty, and death? Those have been things the GOP’s calling card so far this campaign season, and they show no inclination to move off their policies that lead to those outcomes.
Besides SHOUTING IN ALL CAPS ON SOCIAL MEDIA, Lord Stumblefuck has done nothing to disabuse rational Americans of the belief that Republicans want to place the uteri of American women under lock and key.
All your uteri are belong to us!!!
What, we’re supposed to believe the man that facilitated the shitcanning of Roe v. Wade when he tells us not to believe what we’ve been hearing?
Right; who ya gonna believe? Me—or your lying eyes??
I don’t believe that Donald Trump personally wants to outlaw birth control or allow the states to outlaw birth control. I don’t think that what happened during that interview was Trump “opening the door” to allowing states to outlaw or otherwise restrict birth control.
What I do believe, deep in my heart, is that he doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about and doesn’t care to. I think he’s landed on what he thinks is a good thing to say whenever someone brings up reproductive rights — that he has a forthcoming statement/policy that everyone is going to love and agree with, but also that it should be left to the states — and that’s what he says whenever it comes up. It’s almost word for word what he said about the Comstock laws in that interview with Time.
There are two big problems in play here:
Lord Stumblefuck doesn’t care what happens with contraceptives because he doesn’t know enough about them to understand what they do. Thus, he doesn’t give two shits about them. What he cares about is getting elected, and this leads us to the reality that
His ignorance could turn out to be potentially quite dangerous, like tossing a lit firecracker in the gas tank of Dad’s ‘67 Rambler. You know it will go up like a Roman candle—you just don’t know how quickly it will happen. All you know is that you need to run—fast.
Trump doesn’t know the words or the music when it comes to any of this, but that has never made him any less of a danger than a true believer. In fact, many of the mistakes he’s made in this regard have had the effect of pushing the Overton Window to the right on abortion. Before he suggested in a debate with Hillary Clinton that women were having abortions up until the moment of birth, you didn’t hear anyone say that. But he did and now they say it all the time. The anti-abortion Right has also become increasingly comfortable with the idea of punishing women for having abortions ever since he said “there has to be some form of punishment” for them during a town hall.
In this respect, he has been more dangerous than he might be if he were a true believer. There’s no line for him, there’s nothing he actually believes, which frees him up to take the most extreme position he can.
There is no question that Trump would outlaw birth control if he were surrounded by people who wanted to outlaw birth control and who told him that outlawing birth control would please his base — which, at this point, it probably would. A significant number of them, anyway.
Mango Mussolini would head in whatever direction he was pushed on abortion or contraceptives if he thought it was the path that would bring him maximum political benefit. If his Evangelical supporters were to tell him that skinning women and abortion doctors alive, rolling them in salt, and hanging them upside down in the village square would win him the votes of Right-wing anti-abortion sociopaths, he just might advocate for it.
These observations might sound like the ravings of someone with an axe to grind, and perhaps they are. I consider Donald Trump to be a clear and present danger to everything America stands for, and if that makes me less than the objective observer I’ve never claimed to be, then so be it.
So, yes, Dolt 45 is a fucking tool, but he’s a dangerous fucking tool. Were he to somehow slither back into the Oval Office, America could be well and truly fucked. (Should I ponder how many variations of “fuck” I can fit into one paragraph? Nah, that would look like I was trying too hard.)
Project 2025, the plan that lays out exactly what Trump will do for his first 180 days in office, was crafted by the Heritage Foundation, an organization which has, in fact, been very vocally opposed to birth control pills.
“Conservatives have to lead the way in restoring sex to its true purpose, & ending recreational sex & senseless use of birth control pills,” they tweeted just last year.
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas also wrote in his Dobbs opinion that the decision very well could lead to the overturning of Griswold v. Connecticut and the end of legal birth control.
For those of you who’ve been held hostage in Possum Holler, WV, with no Wi-Fi for the past year or so, Project 2025 is a genuinely frightening ~900 pages of what should described as Conservative nihilism. There’s no grounding in traditional Conservative beliefs, but man, do they want to control our lives to the nth degree.
So, when Lord Stumblefuck tells you that his campaign is formulating a policy on a subject and they’ll get back to you, rest assured that Trump has no idea what it’s about but that Republicans are going to put the screws to America when he wins.
Because democracy is WAY overrated, it would seem.
And it’s not like we were using much of it, anyway.
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