God hates us and wishes we would eat a bag of dicks (The NaziFest 2024 mix)
Did you know that an Official Howler Monkey of the Republican Caucus © existed? I certainly didn't.
NOPE- Trump Claims 25,000 Attended Bronx Rally:
Donald Trump held a rally in the South Bronx on Thursday, and his campaign claimed he attracted 25,000 people. The picture above shows whether that number was close.
I’m going to say no, but what do I know?
Trump has been forced to run a somewhat limited campaign in the last several weeks due to his ongoing Hush Money trial in Manhattan, but he's not letting that time go to waste. He has pledged to win the blue city of New York, and he's gaining some major ground.
Yesterday, he held a rally at Crotona Park in the Bronx and drew a crowd of around 25,000, far exceeding the expected 3,500 attendees. Even after the event kicked off, there was a crowd of people waiting outside for hours, hoping for a chance to get in.
ICC prosecutor seeks arrest warrants for top Israeli, Hamas figures:
The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court said on May 20 that he's seeking arrest warrants for top Israeli and Hamas leaders. (Video: Joe Snell/The Washington Post)
They know who you are, where you live—and they’re NOT happy about it.
In a move that demonstrates the international community's impotence in the face of Israeli intransigence, the International Criminal Court is flexing its legal muscles. Of course, that only works if Israel decides to play by the rules, which it has shown itself unwilling to do thus far.
In a stunning announcement that drew sharp indignation from both warring parties, the International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor said Monday that he was seeking to charge senior figures in the Israel-Gaza conflict, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Hamas leader Yehiya Sinwar, with war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Karim Khan’s statement listed extensive charges and sought additional arrest warrants for Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and two other top Hamas leaders — Mohammed Diab Ibrahim al-Masri, the leader of the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades better known as Mohammed Deif, and Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas’s political leader.
Good luck with that, eh?
Canadian Army Gets Its Amorphous Blob On!:
This—whatever this is—is what happens when you’re (allegedly) a professional army, and you can’t get your recruiting game on:
The Canadian army clearly didn’t see the uproar over their new camouflage coming.
The Department of National Defense (DND) recently put a target on its back on X with a video showcasing the new design for its revamped combat fatigues, and the response was pretty much uniform mockery.
If you watched all 18 seconds of that and still don’t know what the Hell it was, you're in good company.
Is it meant to be someone with serious junk in the trunk molesting a baby reindeer? This seems improbably topical. A Lego moose firing explosive diarrhea? Maybe an NFT for a chronically underfunded military pivoting to crypto? A warning to the aliens from the ‘80s arcade game Space Invaders that Canada has its own crude digital firepower standing on guard?….
Art, like Rorschach tests, is in the eye of the beholder, and everyone has their own interpretation. And, as the late war criminal Donald Rumsfeld might’ve put it, you go to war with the cluster of pixels you have, not the cluster of pixels you might wish you had.
So, the Canadian Army is a Cubist work of art? Therein lies the answer, and inquiring Canadian minds would like an answer, thank you very much.
It’s hardly breaking news that the relationship between Republicans and the truth is irretrievably broken. Still, this story takes Stoopid to new and dizzying heights (or depths, depending on your perspective).
Republicans don’t really live in America any more. no, they live in a far-off land called Upisdownistan. it’s a magical place where in is out, black is white, and an 88-count narcoleptic fart factory is God’s Own Avatar On Earth.
Upisdownistan has been buzzing this week with the news that Crooked Joe Biden ordered the DOJ and the FBI to assassinate Little Donny Fuckface — which, by the way, according to Donny’s own ace team of parking garage lawyers, is a perfectly legal thing for any president to do.
I have no idea who this non-entity is, but she started the ball rolling:
And then the Official Howler Monkey of the Republican Caucus © got her two bits in:
Except that none of these histrionics were what they were made out to be. Not that any of the dumbasses beating the drums of war cared about the truth.
no. fuck no. that line is standard yadda that gets put into every search warrant issued by the DOJ. so in fact — to answer the question posed by Three Toes — deadly force was authorized when the FBI searched Biden’s properties.
Sleepy Brandon is so sleepy that he put a hit out on himself!
the howls of manufactured outrage from the right grew so loud that the FBI had to issue a statement.
“The FBI followed standard protocol in this search as we do for all search warrants, which includes a standard policy statement limiting the use of deadly force,” the agency said in a statement. “No one ordered additional steps to be taken and there was no departure from the norm in this matter.”
but the FBI might as well have shouted this into the wind, because the residents of Upisdownistan weren’t listening. the grudge-babies had the perfect story that fed right into their grievance-filled narrative of see? they’re out to get us — and nobody is more of a victim than Dear Leader.
does this without drinking heavily is something I’ll never understand.Ayahuasca, Abortion And Brain Worms At An RFK Jr. Rally In Colorado:
Hopefully, not all of that was happening at the same time. Good Lord, RFK Jr.’s rallies are getting stranger by the day.
Atlanta Young Republicans executive questions what purpose MTG serves in Congress:
There’s a very short answer to that question—none.
It Took Caesars Less Than 24 Hours To Cancel Stew Peters’ ‘Extreme Accountability Event’:
Gee, a guy wants to have a little good, clean, Nazi-themed fun, and—well, you can’t even burn a few books without getting canceled anymore. What is this world coming to??
On Tuesday night, far-right broadcaster Stew Peters announced that he would be holding an “Extreme Accountability Event” in October at Caesars Atlantic City Hotel and Casino in New Jersey.
On Wednesday, Right Wing Watch reported on Peters’ plan, noting that he is a virulent antisemite and racist who has openly advocated violence and called for the overthrow of the U.S. government. RWW also revealed exactly what Peters had in mind for this event:
According to the website, the theme of the weekend will be “Nuremberg 2.0” and the event will feature “drinks and specialty cocktails all weekend like ‘The Retribution’ and ‘Bloody Bidens,’” as well as “a red-carpet ‘Gallows Gala’” and a “Gallows and Mimosas” brunch.
But the highlight of the event will be a literal book-burning, reminiscent of those that occurred in Nazi Germany, which Peters has repeatedly praised.
Of course, Peters didn’t like being unable to stage his NaziFest 2024—nope, not one little bit.
By Thursday, Caesars had canceled Peters’ event and, predictably, Peters used his show that evening to lash out at RWW and other outlets that had reported on his plans.
“Just one day after we announced the Extreme Accountability Event,” Peters fumed, “these people at Right Wing Watch, these lizard things, these pedophile-enablers at Right Wing Watch … these parasites at Right Wing Watch and the rest of the corporate media came out running hit pieces on me, and you, and our event.”
Hey, Stew—since when is telling the truth about your anti-Semitism and neo-Nazi wet dreams “running hit pieces” on you?
Why is the guy who told us to drink bleach a step away from being president?:
Because approximately half of Americans are fucking morons?
Tune in next time, when I’ll attempt to answer the question, “If the President has absolute immunity, why wouldn’t Joe Biden order Seal Team Six to eliminate Donald Trump with extreme prejudice?”
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OMG, fucking funny shit! Life does imitate shart. I lost it, diaper please! 👏👏👏🤣
If Biden ordered the assination of Trump, why did the FBI go when Trump was elsewhere?