Rule #1- Everything Donald Trump touches turns to shit
Rule #2- When in doubt, refer to Rule #1. (How did such a shitty businessman convince so many people to give him so much money?)
Once upon a time, my ex-wife and I used to watch The Apprentice. She enjoyed it, and I appreciated its ridiculousness and emphasis on over-the-top riches as a sign of success. However, we never knew the show's behind-the-scenes story. We didn’t know Trump’s back story, his multiple bankruptcies, or his serial philandering. Most of what we learned about him was the circus clown character we saw on television.
Never in a million years did we think he’d be running for President and winning. It was only then that I learned of his reputation as a shitty businessman. The short version is that everything Trump touches turns to shit, whether it’s his casinos, steaks, bottled water, university—you name it; if it has the Trump name on it, it’s failed. And it’s probably failed spectacularly.
No matter what he says, Donald Trump is not a shrewd or successful businessman. With every business venture he takes on, he leaves damage and chaos in his wake. More often than not, battalions of lawyers are involved.
tells us, his latest fallacious fuck-up, taking his Truth Social social media platform public, is but the latest example of a lifelong pattern:in 1995, with his usual accordion-hands bullshit fanfare, Little Donny Fuckface announced that he was taking Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts public. it was going to be huge — the best stock — maybe the greatest stock of all time. big strong investment bankers, with tears of gratitude pooling in their eyes, came up to Trump and said “sir! sir! thank you for giving us this opportunity to make godzillions of dollars.”
the Gordon Gekkos of the day rushed to snap up every available share — because they forgot about the part where everything Trump touches dies. Donny’s clownfuck mismanagement, along with the usual business of Trump stealing everything that wasn’t nailed down and skimming money off the top, led to the price of the stock eventually plummeting from a high of $35 dollars to a low of 17 cents a share.
Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts finally died a merciful bankrupt death in 2004.
all of which makes it super fucking hilarious to watch it happen all over again.
If past is prologue, which in Donald Trump’s case it always is, you can guaran-damn-tee he will always return to the scene of the crime.
Once a grifter, always a grifter.
Trump’s net worth plunges $1 billion as his media stock tumbles
Shares of Truth Social owner Trump Media & Technology Group plunged Monday after the company disclosed that it lost more than $58 million and generated very little revenue in 2023. Former President Donald Trump is the company’s majority shareholder, and his net worth tumbled by more than $1 billion Monday as a result.
OK…show of hands; who was shocked at this news? Anyone?
No one who’s paid attention to Trump’s history could reasonably claim to be surprised by the above news. In fact, it was entirely predictable. The icing on the cake was the $1B hit in the shorts Trump took. It was a thing of beauty, and NO ONE should claim to have expected any other result.
When you’re a fuck-up, you’re a fuck-up, yeah?
here’s what happened: Trump Media and Technology Group filed a financial report yesterday, and revealed that Truth Social, Donny’s crappy twitter clone, is a radioactive disaster.
Wow, what a shock. No one- except anyone who’d done any due diligence could’ve foreseen that, eh?
Of course, none of Trump’s base, who worship him because he pisses champagne, did any due diligence.
Trump Media and Technology Group, which operates the Truth Social platform, reported it lost $58.2 million in 2023 while generating total revenues of $4.1 million, according to the Monday filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Trump Media listed its largest expense for the year as interest payments totaling more than $39 million.
The filing includes a note from an independent accounting firm, Colorado-based BF Borgers CPA PC, warning that Trump Media’s “operating losses raise substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern.”….
but seriously, what did they expect? the whole business of placing an $8 billion valuation on a company with under $5 million in revenue was insane from the get-go. once again, Wall Street got snookered by a greasy con-man in a cheap suit who went bankrupt running casinos.
An $8 BILLION valuation on a company with less than $5 MILLION in revenue? How is that even possible in a sane and rational world?
Since when is anything Agolf Shitler involved in existing in a sane and rational world?
do these credulous dopes ever pick up a newspaper? you could be forgiven for falling for Donny’s bullshit in the 1990s — his track record of theft and bluffery wasn’t as well known as it is now — but come on. fool you for the seventeenth fucking time, shame on you.
Truth Social is basically a niche app run on a shoestring and a ghost town shunned by all but the most die-hard MAGA cultists.
Trump has been weaving his bullshit tapestry for more than 30 years and getting away with it. He’s burned more bridges than the Russians when they retreated from the Wehrmacht in WWII.
Why anyone would ever let one red cent of their money anywhere near any venture associated with anything that has “Trump” stamped on it defies rational understanding. You’d get a better ROI if you sat before a roaring fire and tossed $50 bills into it.
I have an account on Truth Social, which I use primarily for giggles. I promote my posts here on North Stars and Cowboy Bars, though I don’t know that I’ve ever gotten a referral from Trump Social. More than anything, I use the platform to poke, provoke, and generally irritate the pinheads who hang out there. It’s fun—until it’s not, and then I stop and go somewhere else because, since I’m no longer on Twitter, I have accounts on nine different social media platforms.
Truth Social can be good for a few laughs. Trump Christians preach at me, try to convert me, and try to convince me I’m going to Hell, to which I respond I’d rather go to the Hell I don’t believe in than their Heaven.
I also get called a plethora of very inventive names by MAGAnauts, most of whom seem to harbor a frighteningly abnormal level of anger. I can’t imagine going through life carrying so much anger and rage, but it seems to be a daily thing for much of MAGA Nation.
The willful ignorance and self-delusion of Truth Social users make the “Truth” part of the name a misnomer. The entire platform is little more than a self-contained, hermetically sealed ignorance bubble that exists to comfort the dense and affirm the misinformed.

Trump Media, which makes money through advertising on Truth Social, has struggled to gain a broad audience after two years of operation, according to estimates from the online analytics firm SimilarWeb. On the company’s first day of public trading last week, Truth Social’s website saw its highest-traffic day of the month, with roughly 277,000 U.S. visitors, the estimates show.
That is a small fraction of most online platforms: On that same day, the discussion-board service Reddit saw more than 32 million U.S. visitors, the estimates show. Reddit, which went public a few days before Trump Media and is trading at a similar stock price, generated $800 million in revenue last year, or more than 200 times Trump Media’s 2023 revenue.
and this is what Wall Street valued at eight billion dollars? oh please.
but of course as with All Things Donny, Truth Social was never intended to be an actual business, with profits being shared by corporate officers and investors. it’s meant to be a money-laundering operation — with Donald J. Trump as the sole beneficiary.
When Trump was booted off Twitter after January 6th, it provided him with the perfect opportunity to start his social media platform cum money-laundering operation. And, as we all know, Trump slept through the part of the school day when they covered sharing.
As such, Truth Social was all about further enriching Lord Stumblefuck, and I’m not smart enough to figure out the myriad financial machinations that went into making that happen. In the end, though, it was about Trump screwing over anyone necessary for him to make what he needed to.
Why anyone would go into business with someone with Trump's track record defies understanding. Business people one would suspect to be of sound mind frequently believe they can make money partnering with Dolt45, but they often end up being sued by him. It’s a lose/lose proposition, yet people continue to believe it and lose their shorts.
Stupid is as stupid does, eh?
The key attribute of DJT is that it’s publicly traded. Trump can sell a bunch of shares, and whichever foreign autocrat needs a favor from him can swoop in and buys those shares. No sneaky, backroom dealing required. It will take place out in plain sight. In fact, that’s required. As the major shareholder and officer of DJT, Trump must issue a formal announcement whenever he’s intending to sell some of his shares. Which, in his case, is kind of like taking out an ad proclaiming, Who Wants to Get on My Good Side? Now’s Your Chance!
Of course, a company whose continued viability is in question is more difficult to launder money through, so it remains to be seen what the future holds for Trump’s ability to screw over those even dumber than he is—and that’s a surprisingly large segment of the population.
Of course, when Trump’s auditors can’t avoid the truth- “operating losses raise substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern,” the day of reckoning may be near.
“Objects in mirror may be closer than they appear.”
It would be nice to see him behind bars before Election Day, wouldn’t it? Ah, be still, my foolish heart….
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After all the word garbage that is spewed on and about tRump all these years, one question begs an honest answer. With all we know of his past and all that has been published about what he intends his next term in office why why in the name of sanity, in the name of commonsense in the name of all that is good and clean in this world why would you vote for him? The kids in college are jumping up and down about Palestinians and the awful suffering they are going through. I understand that but for you, anyone, to say that I am voting for dear leader because of the war in Palestine/Israel all I can say is WTF! Do you think for one second that dear leader is going to do anything? He could care less about anything except himself. Let's see he has already bragged about how he got rid of Roe v Wade. He has said he will be dictator on day one. One day is all he will need. From then on he WILL BE dictator for life. There will be no freedom no going back no law except for what he says. Education will be controlled by the Christian Nationalists with their Project 2025 manifesto. Total ban on abortion. Concentration camps for all. This is not hidden this is a published book! And these kids that do not know anything about their history are going to be stupid and vote for him because of a war half a world away. Never mind you will be controlled, every waking moment, of everyday will be monitored by someone in a secret office where everything you say and do will be noted. If you are stupid enough to violate the new rules set up by tRump and company you will be investigated charged and thrown into a concentration camp. Every time I bring these things up I hear oh they will never let that happen. Or my favorite, oh that will never happen here! tRump and his gang will run ruff shod over this country. And even if you are of the opinion that it won't happen here, are you willing to bet your freedoms, and your country that you are right and all the people fighting to defeat tRump are wrong? Well I am glad you are so secure in your certainty. And when it all blows up in your face what will you say then? I'm sorry, I didn't think, by then it will be TOO LATE! Do you think for one minute tRump is going to say I'm sorry I'll return the country. NO FUCK NO. He will run us and this country so far into tge ground there will be no turning back. There will be nothing to turn back to. In the meantime a great many innocent people will be in concentration camps. Plenty of whom will die, whose only crime was having a sexual preference not to their liking or being the wrong religion or the wrong skin tone or you happen to speak Spanish, you get the idea. All this and more awaits you behind door number 3. At the worst possible point in time you picked the worst possible person to the highest position in the land. And now there is no do over. No next election, because there won't be any more elections. Don't you get it? If he gets in there will be no getting him out of there. He has already shown us that much by crying that the election was stolen from him. He has every intention in the world to stay in power and put down any resistance to him and his rule. You can say I am paranoid, you can say I am prejudiced against him. Yes to both counts. I know a person of good character when I see one and I definitely know a crooked sleaze bag when I see one. tRump is one hundred percent sleaze while Joe Biden has spent his life trying to help this nation be the best it can be. This November the choice is very clear you can vote for a man of integrity or a total sleaze bag who says everyone is against him for no reason and that he has not done anything wrong. The one glaring thing is all those classified documents that they took out of his stupid resort in Fla. Anyone else would have been thrown behind bars so fast but not our dear leader. He has gotten away with so much because of who he is, no ordinary person would have been treated like that. They would have thrown us in jail then they would talk to you if they felt like it. But you uneducated stupid no nothing people who think that donney is going to ride to your rescue, well just keep waiting. One word of advice don't open your mouth and complain you will not like the answer you get. My opinion as a citizen of Earth. Shalom Dan
Here's how it should go down...
Just before court is adjourned on a Friday, maybe this Friday, trump is held in contempt again and sentenced to the weekend in prison. He and his not so secret service are led to Rikers where trump is first placed in a holding cell. When they get around to it, trump is given a jump suit, toothbrush, rubber slippers, a thin mattress and a blanket to carry to his cell.
As he makes his perp walk, other prisoners shout every vile epithet they can think of. Trump visibly flinches everytime one hits home. He is ushered into his single cell and a single agent is stationed outside his door. He first notices the single, piece metal toilet is steel and not gold. Next he spies a single book on a built-in shelf. It is the "Bible" he is hawking online.
He spreads out his thin mattress on the narrow, rock hard bed and notices there are no sheets. The blanket is scratchy and stained. One corner of it is frayed. He has no TV, no cell phone, no grooming supplies, no pillow and no diapers.
Dinner is brought to his cell because he can't eat in gen pop. On the metal cafeteria tray is some mystery meat with watery gravy. One compartment has grainy mashed potatoes, another holds mushy, canned green beans. There is also a piece of white bread. No ketchup, no salt, no dessert and no diet coke. It's the welcome to hell meal that he won't eat.
Reality sets in and trump sits on the bed and cries. The first few tears turn into uncontrollable sobs. For the first time in his life he feels pity, not for someone else but for himself. The jeers and taunting from the prisoners resume and haunt him. He finally closes his eyes and takes it all in. Unlike the courtroom he does not sleep. He realizes next two days are going to be a real bitch.
Elsewhere, immigrant, judge Merchan and many Americans are smiling.